Dominican Living

In the office or not, we designers are always taking inspiration from the world around us. My recent trip to the Dominican Republic has left me feeling not only inspired, but incredibly thankful. I was welcomed by the Dominican’s famous hospitality and thoroughly enjoyed the simpler, slower way of life. During my stay in the […]

The Future of Multi-Family Living

The multi-family market has evolved dramatically over the years. Consumers are looking for a home that meets the demands of their lifestyles; as demographics shift, so will residential trends. Here are a few future trends we can expect to see now and in the coming years for apartment communities. In Austin, the average unit size has […]

neocon 2015

NeoCon is one of the world’s largest design trade shows. The PPDS designers were all fortunate enough to attend this summer, getting a first look at the products as many manufacturers release their newest collections to the public at NeoCon. The show is located in the heart of downtown Chicago at the Merchandise Mart; housing […]

artistic inspiration

My first trip to a Las Vegas Furniture Market was very inspiring! There were many different mediums, materials and unique ways to mount art. Wall art and accessories have a great impact on a design concept as they are the final touches. This tour ignited my passion for art selection, and it is exciting to see such a fun aspect of design! Three-dimensional figurines mounted to […]
